Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Gratitude

This year's Lenten, Holy Week and Easter celebrations were especially rich and meaningful.  There was a depth and  a sense of the Holy that often brought me to tears.  The various worship experiences seemed saturated by the Spirit's presence.  I don't usually get this "gushy," but I felt the whole journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday was especially moving this year.

I wish to thank so many who went beyond the call of duty helping to make this a truly impacting season for so many in our community.  Thank you musicians! Thank you Altar Guild workers!  Thank you First Lutheran Staff and worship leaders!  Thank kitchen workers and soup makers!   Thank you movers and cleaners!  Thank you to all who simply came to worship - your presence is the joy and motivation for our labor!

I am so very proud of our congregation and community.  I offer sincere thanks to God for the many blessings I have received from so many special people.