Saturday, October 22, 2011

25th Anniversary of Ordination

Last Sunday (October 16) First Lutheran Church in Milford, Iowa hosted the celebration of my 25th year in pastoral ministry.  It was a day I will never forget!  My wife Dee secretly sent invitations to family, old friends, mentors and members of congregations I served in Sioux City and Sibley, Iowa. 

The day included the renewal of my ordination vows that I first made on June 8, 1986 at my home congregation of Trinity Lutheran in Mason City, Iowa.  Pastor Peter Soli, the Assistant to Bishop Michael Last in the Western Iowa Synod officiated at the renewal service.  Also present were Pastor Woody Clauson (my internship supervisor from our year in Sibley back in 1984) and Pastor Glenn Savage, a retired pastor at First Lutheran in Milford.  I was quite surpised when all three of my boys came up and read scipture together, looking so handsome and grown up.  Talk about a major "lump in the throat."

The day also included special music, the celebration of Holy Communion, and a festive meal with program after the worship service.  It was emotionally quite overwhelming as I sat there listening to letters of tribute/roast sent from friends who were not able to attend.  Then, to hit me while I was down, my wife Dee ran a powerpoint presentation of my 25+ years in ministry including very incriminating photos of my tender years as a camp counselor at Ingham Okoboji Bible Camp.

I could have never dreamed up such an uplifting day of celebration.   It took many people, working secretly behind the scenes, to pull this whole thing off.  It was a little bit of heaven right here on earth.

When the idea of a celebration was first mentioned to me, I felt kind of funny about it.  The Norwegian in me shys away from being put on center stage.  But in speaking with a fellow pastor, he convinced me that such a celebration is more a focus on ministry and the common mission we share with God's people.  Pastors and other professional ministers come and go.  But the Gospel of Jesus Christ carries on from one generation to another.  The 25th Anniversary of my ordination reminded me of all the amazing people God has placed in my life - fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who have been there to help me grow spiritually.

25 years in ministry is a cool vantage point!  I can see from here all the twists and turns in my own spiritual journey and also the  winding road that lies ahead.  Some days I feel like I am just getting off "training wheels" and other days it seems like I'm finally starting to get it.

Over all, this past week was a humbling experience of God's grace. I was ambused by the love and encouragement of so many special people.  My empty cup was filled to overflowing!  Thanks be to God for his abundant mercy and many blessings!

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