Sunday, May 5, 2013

Velvet Elvis

Are you looking for a good book to read?  Pick up Rob Bell's book "Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith."  I am almost done with it but already it is soaring to the top of my favorite book list for 2013.
Every now and then there is a book that really makes you think.  It's like, "if you haven't read this book, you are living your life without a compass."  Granted, I say that about most of the books I get really excited about.  But this one is worth the read. 

Here is a quote from page 89 in the chapter entitled "True:" 

Being a Christian is not cutting yourself off from real life; it is entering into it more fully.
It is not failing to go deeper; it is going deeper than ever.  It is a journey into the heart of how things really are. 

What is it that makes you feel alive?  What is it that makes your soul soar?

Many close their minds to Christianity because they fear it will make their world small and constricted. Or they feel Christians live in a world completely out of touch with reality and the world we all have to face Monday through Saturday.

Rob Bell does a great job of reclaiming the ancient Jewish truth that "the whole world is soaked in the presence of God.  For the writers of the Bible, this truth is everywhere.  It's available to everyone. 

I invite you to give Rob Bell's book a shot.  You don't have to agree with everything he writes.  Wrestle with it.  Think about it.  Allow your faith to grow and stretch a little!  Let God out of the box and truly be God!

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